Tuesday, September 23, 2008

These few days the weather has been so HOT     
Can't really take it man...haha keep having 
songs in my head...Can't fight the urge...

Everyone have their own problems it's just how they deal with it. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% of what are you going to do with that thing that happened...So to those that are having troubles hope you all cheer up, learn, deal with the pain, sorrow, difficulties, and you'll emerge a stronger and better person...

Went to eat lunch with Adrian, Bryan, David and Ryan. Went to eat sushi buffet some more...
woot hehe love to eat..! Had the thought that they are a real eater since they wanted to eat buffet for lunch but in the end i was like the only one eating...wad sia...

David ate a few things and then just eat ice-cream all the way...zzzz wad sia all sweet toothed
Adrian still not so bad still can eat quite a mouthful. Hehe then when i was trying to eat my udon, Adrian gave me that one look that was like [omg] it so made me uncomfortable... (you don't want to know the look that he gave me, at least not when you're eating...) Oh David gets real cranky when he doesn't get his ice-cream order within 5-10mins, hey chill la!

Bryan and Ryan was relatively quiet.Ryan!No msging on the dining table! Bryan is one mischievous kid he put tartar sauce on David's ice-cream while he went to 'download' hehe don't understand?it's alright...^^ furthermore the flavor was further enhanced by Adrian with soy-sauce. Poor David...tck tck naughty ar...^^

Oh i think the waitress like me sia haha. When we were ordering she like agree with me when i just told her that we would like to order one of each from the menu, while the rest was like 'What? serious ar?' hehe then while we ordered the drinks, the rest say just order all the same drinks but i wanted cold green tea then she say 'whoa you're so cool ar...' not sure where's the link but yea!thanks a lot ^^ goodness...[trying to hide my smile all along... xp]

Need help?Superman is here...

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