Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Welcome to the life of Superman...

This part of my life is called : Drowning

Went to send my dad off at the airport today.Had lunch at Fish & Co.
While we were eating he seemed to be in so much pain but just wouldn't admit it...
what is it with guys and not saying their feelings out loud?If you are in pain just say it out loud for goodness!Then at least we can try to figure a way to deal with it.Right?

Didn't said the things that i know i should have said, but instead i think i said things that were never meant to be said out loud, cause i know it will cause a bleed in another person's heart...
I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you...

Not having the best day (days) of my life.Prelims is finally over but tomorrow we are going to check our papers.How would i fare?I have no idea but if i don't score a decent marks,my dad is totally going to get very upset and it's definitely not going to improve his conditions

I didn't have plans for today right, i went back and decided to do some catching up with my sleep. When i woke up my eyes were in total pain and it was bloody red. It got the feeling like as if my eyes were on fire!After i washed and stuff it suddenly strucked  my mind that i needed to go out and buy dinner back!Gosh, I totally spaced out!

So i got on my bike and rush to Loyang Point to buy dinner. There to my surprise, i saw Mdm Quek! So i said hi and started a little conversation with her.Yea talking to her kinda made my head a little lighter...Thanks a lot

Oh guess what,when i was about to reach the store and buy the meal, my cousin called and said no need to buy dinner already cause my aunt was on her way home with dinner. What?Couldn't you told me that earlier?Not blaming you cuz but oh well...just not having the best days

Before i went home i bought 2 cans?of pringles, thought i should reward myself for pulling through the studies for prelims, and to cheer myself up a little.It'll go well when i'm taking my break later and watch my gossip girl...(yes i do watch,why?surprised?and no it's not gay, it's a real nice show.) Talked to Waynn just now hehe about *erm* never mind but well yea kinda feel lot lighter ^^

Not sure if this is going to continue but well hope tmr will be a great day!

U.S President,Mr Abraham Lincoln once said :
"People are just as happy as they make up their mind to be"

So i decided to be happy from tomorrow onwards...(I'll try alright)

Give me wings and lift me up again...

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