Monday, October 6, 2008

Times and yet again

Today morning started great, was running a little late so i rushed slightly to the gate, was like half-racing with Yazmine, we both made it in time and therefore wasn't late. Haha I'm always lucky right? While we're walking I realised that he had forgotten to wear his school badge, so i lent him mine. I'm so good right? Hehe

The day's progress was kinda sucked up but argh forget about that it's going to be better as it goes. I promise I'll make it that way. I hearsay a lot of people saying this phrase " It's alright, move on. " All I know is that don't move forward and leave a mess behind, at least not if you can help it. I'm trying here so please help me out a little. Help me to understand.

Went with Bryan, Darc, Kh, and Kc to bowl after school. Totally owned but I wasn't really in the mood to play. Saw Wayne and his bro Shaun with some other friends of theirs'. It rained twice today, both at such wrong timings. I ended up walking in the rain with Bryan since I don't want to hang around too much. Have so many work that are left undone. 

Decided to do some of them, but not much success there either...gosh this so sucked up I lost the momentum again. Sigh kinda having a little cold now, so if tomorrow ya'll hear lots of sneezing, you know who is calling Amos. [ Ah Chew! ahhh... ] 

I have a dam good best friend, thanks a lot you made me realised something...

If you know not your mistake,
how are you to change?
It's not the unwillingness, 
it's the lack of knowledge 
of how to and where to....
Let's not leave things this way,
we deserved so much better...
Whatever it is, I just want to say
" I'm sorry... "

Tomorrow will be so much better...

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