Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hey hey people! Ok I'm going to tell you guys something that might shock you from the very chair
or whatever that you're sitting on... Ok ready? I just...went for a FACIAL!!![pause for shock impact]
Alrite get over it haha yea i did it, long story of how i actually went to do it.

I always thought that getting a facial was relaxing but...i was so mistaken and i have never know
this but you gotta take your top off cause they kinda do your shoulder too...alrite so let me share
what they actually do at the facial[Btw they gave me an anti acne treatment]:

1. Facial wash using something like a cream, quite cooling
2. Facial scrub using something like a cream with sand like thingy on the cream
3. They apply some kind of cream that kinda sting, especially at the pimples area. After which they
put a mask on and put some water on it[the stinging stops after they put water], and they turn on
the steamer[so the mask won't get dried up] it was kinda cool, the steam and all, warm and nice.
4. Ok here's the not so nice part...they wanted to remove my blackheads,and so they pressed something
on my nose[I thought they used their nails to press remove the blackheads], it was painful,but
wasn't so bad. after a while[I closed my eyes during the wholetime]I started thinking, and i recalled
the poster outside of the facial room.[There was this big poster that boast about this needly thing
that could lighten scars and many more] the thing was full of needles!That was when i started panicking
and the pain started to intensify[gosh it's painful, seriously]
5. Alright pain's over next they wash my face again with step number 1 but this time with a massage
[Ok tell you guys something, i love massages! Oh god I just melts...]
6. They apply another type of cream and use a machine that slightly massage the face[the machine
emits some kind of electric jolts and i got shock for a bit, it was like ouch!]
6. Now they put on another type of cream[dam cooling, some more i was lying right under the AC], a
layer of mask and another thicker cream[using a brush] left me for about half hour or so[Can't see
the time]
7. Last they gave my arm a bit of massage[woo!It was shiok...!XD]

When i took a look at the time, i was like omfg the whole thing took like 3 plus hours to complete!
But yea it was definitely worth it, my blackheads was gone my face was tight and smooth[Woo! facial completed!]

Oh yea for those people that got ipod or just itunes update your itunes and check out the visualizer
when playing your song[not the classic visualizer though] it was like soo... awesome! gosh it's
soo cool! :] have fun trying, and oh the visualizer can go full screen^^ just so you know

Hold it back hold it back....

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