Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I J C J1 Orientation '09 part 1

My Fleet name is : Bruni ,Master of fire and gunpowder

My Fleet's Special weapon is : Fljuga [It's a musket (Long gun)]

My Fleet's Crew name is : Bridallion

This is my closest buddy so far from IJC for orientation
Oh Ratish(If i nvr spell wrong) is missing[He's Indian btw]
All guys ar,hehe dun wan to show you all the girls one XD

I didn't take much pictures only took some videos of the finale that will be reserved for part 2,so stay tuned....

Vid 1 [Farmiz] :

Vid 2 [Galfrimer] :

Vid 3 [Vigamor] : CLICK TO LINK TO VIDEO

Vid 4 [Bruni] :

Actually my Fleet also have the dance and it's damn sexy(We got one part where we smack butt one haha),i'm not bluffing we're the sexiest group ever! [ Coz i'm inside mah ^^v ]  But sadly cause i also have to dance so no1 took video :(

Oh the Indians here are damn funny,Viz is nth to them! I learnt one phrase from them :
"Because we're Indians!" haha the way they said it's damn funny! They were asked to give a comment on another group's Finale dance,before they comment,they put on shades and pose,the whole phrase was actually : "Because we're Indians!We like to pose!" Like what the hell! 

Group pics : Bridallion!!Woohoo!!
We're red hot!

We like to BANG!

Cheers! Hope you liked it!

Oh no!Lessons starts tmr onwards....

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