Monday, October 27, 2008


Today was supposed to be a peaceful day...[ My apologies to readers as this post is super wordy... ]

I had my whole day planned out right... so here's the plan : 
1. Wake up at 10 [ tick ]
2. Journey to DTE, reach before 11 [ Was late by 15 mins cause I took too long to get ready... ]
3. Have breakfast [ Had the usual, Ice Latte Frappe ]
4. Study at the usual spot [ My seat was taken by some chick ]
5. Concentrate and do my work [ Failed badly, some University-looking-chick keep stealing glances at me, and naturally cause I'm like wad Aldaric said of himself will look back every time she stole that glances. Gosh! Why? Why do you do that? You want to give me your number? Come over and say hi then... If not please leave me alone...]
6. Eat lunch at around 1 - 1.30 [ Had it slightly later cause I was behind schedule on my work coz of that chick. So I decided to have my lunch 1st cause my stomach was giving me that mayday signal already, if I didn't heed that signal then...God knows wad happen...]
7. Continue with my work peacefully until 6 before going for dinner [ Also failed terribly. The place was frigging crowded, and many unexpected people came...It's not going to be as productive, I thought. So headed to Shifu's house and did my work with his help...Escaped the rain...Gladly ]
8. Eat dinner [ Ate with Shifu, had the usual $3 meal haha. It's very worth it, to us at least... ]
9. Relax [ Went to bowl wif Shifu. Had the lane in between Professionals, we were so embarrassed there...xp ]
10. Reach back before 10 [ Was late by 45 min. Made up lame excuse that sounds believable ]

Alright so that's today's plan layout... Ok here's some things that I noticed for today and some time ago :

1. There's a kid right, a small little boy, he was bowling with his mum and when he managed to knock down just 4 pins his face glowed and he turned around right. And there...his mother was like looking so indifferent, expressionless and away at some other thing and not the boy... It was like as if she brought the boy there but she was thinking the whole time that it was a waste of time and money. I mean can you like consider the boy's feeling. I was watching and can almost read his thought : " Look mum! I knocked down 4 pins, it's better than just now! " But when he looked at the mother...I can almost hear the shatters...

2. Shout out to all the beautiful couples out there : Please, yes I know how loving you are just by looking at you guys and yes stay that way but... but... Goddammint dun show it in front of me....!! Gosh you guys are making me feel so argh....

Thanks for taking time to read...^^

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