Thursday, October 2, 2008

The [not so] Ordinary life of Superman

Woots let me tell you all somethings upper east I am so high and yet also so sleepy haha must be the lessons and stuffs.Lots of things happened haha like erm haha forget alr le haha but oh i remember one thing haha Nebo called me and said i had won a timex watch haha so happy dun know how i got it but well i just got it! Well people this is me and my life, dun care how things happened, the main thing is that it happened haha anyways alrites have to get back to work coz it's kinda piling up haiz. and btw Woots i'm having Bbq with my lovely counsins haha it's been a long time since i met them and family^^

Won my bet and seriously man that was easy...although ok la i admit i never really do properly. Another one alrite not a problem anytime...Bring it on sister!And and talking to you is lots of fun man, craps nonsense and haiz it's just adds color to my ordinary life. Maybe having another Bbq on sat wif opps lovelys but see how la uhh rain check alrite and then tuition on Sunday hoho I haven do the hw a little help? Busy busy busy. So yea thank you thank me

Fly here, fly there, fly here, fly there, bang bang bang bang<--coz too giddy cnt fly properly
ok wadevr it's lame...

Haha stole a quote so sorry alrite maybe if we meet one day then i tell you hehe anyways here it is :

" Forget the risk and take the fall
If it is meant to be then, 
then it's worth it all "

^^v Peace y'all!

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