Saturday, October 4, 2008

Simply awesome!

3rd October

Alright I totally surprised myself with the knowledge of how many relatives here that i actually have no idea of. Haha. Lots of uncles and aunties that are actually my relatives but i am completely oblivious of them until this night.

One thing to note, seriously i have dam awesome uncle and aunties, they're like so hip and cool man.Not to mention all of them looked pretty and handsome too,maybe i inherited some of their genes hehe xp. They also use tech stuff like, they read blogs, they have : friendsters & facebooks. Although all the coolness and awesomeness what really amazed me is that all of them are really clever most even come from the top JC here like, erm National JC, Hwa Zhong JC and many others sorry i can't remember all xp psps.Totally man,i can clique with them pretty well.^^

Throughout the Bbq, my face was constantly emitting and radiating heat.Why? Nah it's not cause by the charcoal and bbq foods. Instead it was cause by the random things that the uncles and aunties said haha. Some of them think i look a lot like Wang Li Hom haha have meh? Then when i told them my chinese name they were like omigosh!Really?yea, it's the same as another singer's name. Haha, i guess i must have embarrassed these people cause i can't really sing, especially chinese...But i can learn some hehe just for you.Gosh tell me who don't like to be complimented...Rox house man! xp

Also let's not forget to mention my lovely cousins. Some of them have totally unique name, gosh i love italian names^^ and they're, trust me are fun people. Few of the most fun people i met. Haha childish too. Played lots of games since some of them include little monsters whahaha sorry man dun reall like kids tell you the truth but oh well...good game yea? had many many clicks and snaps of pictures, aunty even help us to take some of the pictures hehe^^ send all of them to me soon yea? Btw Jude don't be too stressed yea? Everything will be alrite man^^ all the best!

I went home totally spent...had a quick shower and slept. Nitez all

Peace ya'll! ^^v

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