Thursday, November 6, 2008

Does this means anything?Please tell me honestly...all i want is the truth

Ok I remembered what i wanted to blog about suddenly so i decided to post it up soon if not i'll soon forget about it...Gosh been forgetting things lately...what's wrong with me...? Is it because of the headache...? IDK

Just 2 days ago i had a dream...not any ordinary fantasy dream but it was the one that i told you about what it will tell me about my future...

Here's the scene :  I was with Kh, walking out of our school gate holding our report books... he opened his and there i saw the results, he got 11pts for L1R5, ok i'm not saying my dreams are exactly accurate but if it really do come out idk. Don't worry Kh will get less than 11pts. Ok so he opened his and i opened mine, I turned to the last page and at the page where there was supposed to be my results, it wasn't there. The whole page was just torn off so i couldn't see my results.... Does this means anything...? [God is forbidding me to see my future cause if i do it'll change the results and i'll regret it definitely...]

That's last 2 days, surprisingly i had another dream just yesterday...not any ordinary fantasy dream but it was the one that was so vivid that i almost thought i was really living that dream... 

Here's the scene : I was sitting on the floor in an unknown place...It was like in a city center or the park or something can't really tell [means i haven't been to this place at this moment]. I was waiting for you and in the meantime i was folding a heart, origami of a heart so complicated that i don't even know how to do until now...But you came early and i haven't finish folding it completely so i quickly rushed the last few steps. It wasn't perfect but it was good and whole. So you came over and i gave it to you...but you rejected it and turned away... So i turned and leave. As i was walking i jusAt gave it to a girl that i happen to know there and she hugged and kissed me on the cheek twice! With that she dragged me away and i never get a chance to second look at you... the rest of the dream was left a blur...

Alright busy week ahead people! lots of things to do and needs to be done and schedules to be organised, projects to be done, people to be met, money to be spent, birthdays to be celebrated, gifts to be bought, airticket to be booked, not sure what else is in store for me...gosh i need a secretary...^^

rite i got to go people are expecting me and i'm late so ciao ciao people !<3

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