Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh so puzzled...! XD


Just flew back few days back to celebrate Cny. Sadly didn't get to meet all of my lovely cosiiiiinnnzzzzzz!!!(Ever watch stich?that's how he say cousin XD) [So disappointed and so mad grrr] Post more on it on my next entry.

As you see the picture above!! It's puzzle! haha juz ripped it open here,it's so addictive!! This piece goes here,that piece looks familiar,this one fits there and 'tick' 'tock' it's 5 minutes to midnight! Oh no! Got to get to bed before the magic is gone! XP guess what i found?[Glass slipper?] it's so fun!Especially if you're doing it with a lot of people...[Not alone can alr haha]

Gonna fly back,
stay in new house,
move my things,
get some presents,
change school,
make new friends,
not sure what happens to the old ones XP,
hunt for my wedding outfit[I need 2!!Anyone wanna go shopping with me?xp]
(Not my wedding!I just need it coz i have 2 weddings to attend,gosh busy busy food food clicks clicks,I say we do it with STYLE BABY!!)

kk gtg

rites ciao ciao ppl! lovez

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