Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Traveler's Diary...

This post is all words,if you wanna know about my trip then go ahead and read
if not then wait for the pictures[It's going to take a while though...promise will make it asap]

Day 1 :

Woke up super early just to make sure we're not late for the morning flight.[I woke up at around
4.30am!]Next we had breakfast and got to the airport to meet the rest of the group.[we're there
slightly early.] Took the flight which was super long [around 4hours!] to Hong Kong which is a
transit b4 we head for Korea. The flight was so filled with turbulences,that made me had air-sick
[couldn't eat the meal,except for the salad and kit-kat(Hey I could use a break right?XD).We had
around 1.5Hours in Hong Kong,so i decided to find something to fill my stomach.[I got porridge,
coz i couldn't eat anything else].Same thing happened during our flight to Korea.[still couldn't

Watched Babylon A.D it's nice but watched it in the plane so didn't had such a good time[screen was
small plus i missed the 1st 19 minutes of the show(I have the habit of sleeping just after take off)]
Oh i also watched The Dark Knight![seriously i missed the ending coz we reached korea b4 the show ended
but it's alrite imma watch it again at home XP both films are rated PG and 4****/5 ^^]

Korean airport is nice,it's large. On arrival we're greeted by the local guides there. 1 was
a lady named Jazmine,and another was a man named Dany[If that's how you spell his nameXP,sorry Dan!]
Quickly boarded the bus and headed for the hotel to rest.[Erm korea's -5 Degree C is no joke man,
plus the wind,if you didn't come prepared,oh you're not gonna like it...]

Day 2 :

Morning call,6am,bathed,get ready,pack,pack,pack,got down for breakfast[was late for breakfast,most
of the ppl have alr gone up to their rm again(They come down and have their breakfast 1st,then got
up to pack & we did the opposite XD).]

Long way to go[Abt2.5Hours journey time],Next stop EVERLAND!I just love themeparks XD!!It was damm
crowded for real![lots of school kids went there for excursion!(dam kids,couldn't you all just stay
at home to study for university?)]Just so you know most Koreans are like super 'Forever-young' some
of them are like 30+ but when you see them they're like only 20+[example would be our guide,when you
see their pictures you definitely won't believe me.]There's like the steepest wooden roler-coaster
here but sadly it opened for a while and it was closed...[didn't had a chance to take that ride :( ]

We stopped halfway for a toilet break,and wohooo tell you....the toilet entrance is transparent!!XDD

At night we went to the local fish market,it was really wasn't anything like i had expected[I though
it was going to be something similar to Japanese fish market(dock with loads of boats & fishies...XP)]

FF[Fun Fact/Fast Fact] :
It's considered rude in the Korean culture to ask : "How old are you?"
The more polite way of getting to know another person's age would be by asking "What year are you
born?[Rat's year, Bull's year, so on...]" After which you calculate how old that person is[Just so
you know Jazmine is born in the year of the Pig,so happy counting if you're interested]

Everyone was exhausted,so am I...wrote down these and went to sleep[of course i had a bath 1st!]

Seriously...do that thing with your hair again and i'll ask for your msn,even if i don't know how
to say that in Korean

Day 3 :

Morning call,6am,bathed,this time everything was a rush coz dad decided to be smart and said :"
Why you pack tomorrow's things at night!?Night time is for sleeping!You want to pack,do it in the
morning...!"And as a result we totally was late and had to increase our speed by x98765. During the
confusion,he lost his scarf,and then in the bus he blamed the lost on me for rushing him.[Oh yea
thanks a lot,so sorry I rush you coz we had to pack in the morning]

Next destination would be Sorak National Park.There we took the cale car up,took a couple of pictures
and then get back down.

After which we took quite a long walk on the very icy and slippery road to visit the Shinnheungsa
Temple. There were 3 gates that monks are supposed to pass in order to reach the inner hall of the
temple where they believe to be the place where the gods resides[usually only the high priest are
allowed inside here.]We managed to pass through 2 gates and that's all[1st gate : forgot the nameXP
2nd gate : Four Guardians Gate]

Next would be my special highlight of the tour...SKI!!!We journeyed to Phoenix Park Ski Resort.
We rented the equipments and we had an instructor to teach us the basic of skiing[Jazmine didn't let
me do snowboard(She said this : "you should try skiing 1st" and she did it while gently rubbing
my cheek,gosh her hand is so soft...XD)There were 2 other guys who were not too bad in the group too.
After a while of practice I advanced to the beginner's slope to try my luck[hopefully i made it out
with no broken ribs or nose...xp]

Fendi[another guy from my tour group]had a little trouble going down the slope,so I kinda had to
help him down a little.I had him grab my shoulders from behind and slowly skii down. I wasn't that
professional yet[not that pro to handle 2 person at the same time]so we did cover some distance down
and we fell,haha[That would be the only time that I had fall the whole time skiing]
we redo the routine for couple more times but it was a slow process.
It got so late that the park ranger came and had to ski us down[Tell you,these people
are like super professional,i kinda salute them man...]

Was really exhausted,I ended up finishing a pot of barbecued pork and squid
meant for like 4 people.[Ok with dad eating a little of it,so technically i did not ate 4 person's
share of meal,ok i did not...stop calling me a pig!XP]

When the old goes the new comes...
But when the past meets the present somethings just never change,and that's the beauty of it. It's the little things that reminds me of you,cause you never really leave someone behind,you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind. And though I'm not there with you tonight,you can always find me nearby,just look down at your chest,a little to the left, that's where i'll always be...Happy New Year 2009 all!!!!

I ate grasshopper!!![Crispy on the outside,soft on the inside,Cresz cresz...yucks!!XD]
Just another hero without a name[Getting used to it]
When I had my glasses you can call me Basthian
When I took them off say hello to
2.Your new swimming instructor[Some1 did said this(forgot who)]
3.Your new Skii coach

Day 4 :

Morning call,6am,bathed,packed.[was a little more peaceful today]After breakfast,since it's new year,
Jazmine give out money for good luck.It wasn't much but it's the thought that counts isn't it?^^

Next stop would be Nami Island,the place where they do the filming of the famous Korean drama "Winter
Sonata"[It's a story about 2 lovers that were separated by the parents who objects their relationship]
It's an island so we took a ferry[abt 5 mins ride]there.beautiful place,seriously[very romantic...]

Next up is Seoul!Tried to make kimchi![Not too bad was quite successful]After that we tried the Hanbok
[Korean's traditional costume] [seriously dad doesn't know how to take good pictures(of me,although he himself)
is candid in front of the camera,damn natural)...]Some people can have like the sweetest+innocent
natural smile.[Can I have that too plz... ;) <--not bad wad...XD ]

Visited the Dongdaemun Night Market[It's not a market!We shopped at a shopping center called the Doota!]
Bought some pretty presents[There you go,your sovenirs...mostly chocolates though]and some clothes
for myself,there's reallylots to buy[Some day imma be rich enough to buy whatever i wanna buy
(unlike now)XDD]

Dinner was like the best so far...Korea's Oriental Ginseng Chicken!Super delicious and it's really
nutritious too!Oh so far the hotel in Seoul is the best[even though it's a little small coz we asked
for extra bed(We travel in 3,which is a bad idea,always travel in pairs,easier to get room)]

I kinda drink a lot today...[Shouju(Korea's wine)for lunch,had ginseng milk in the kimchi making
school,ginseng wine for dinner]
Killer smile baby!

Day 5 :

Morning call,6am,bathed.Today's schedule would be Blue house and National Folk Museum of Korea
[Yawnss...boring XP]
Went to visit the palace too[Know of the show"Jewel in the palace"?Yea it's exactly like that]
Went to the ginseng factory[Not allowed to take pictures there...]

Went to another market to shop again[Alright more souvenirs,hope it's enough coz I only bought small
souvenirs] At night we went to the Stream Park[(I think that's what that place is called)it's an
artificial stream made in the heart of the city meant to cool down the city's temperature(yea right
like as if it's not cold enough...!Alright maybe it's meant for summer XP)]

Seriously Korea is a beautiful country,full of romantic places,almost like the Paris of Asia...

FF :
*Koreans are very considerate people, after every meal they would return their trays and cutlery to a designated counter in each restaurants

*It's rude to take pictures in a temple[Hey I didn't know that ok!]

Day 6 :

Nothing much,spent most of the time journeying to Hong Kong...

Day 7 :

Spent the whole day on Hong Kong Disneyland.Beautiful place,but I highly recomend to go with friends
instead of family unless your family consists of small kids[and no 16 is not considered kids!Around 6
years old is then considered kids ok!]

Learnt how to draw "Winne the Poo" [Oops Winnie the Pooh I mean XP]

Day ended with a bang!

Ever heard of the English expression called "You can't have your cake and eat it too"
know what it means?At 1st i didn't fully understand what it means,but now after this trip I kinda
finally knew what it truly means,it's close enough to taste but you just can't have
[Can i please eat the cake too...it's kinda torturous]

Will upload the pictures when I'm done editing them[It's really a lot]
See you soon...

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