Saturday, February 21, 2009

TGIF will never be the same again....

Sorry haven been updating since like forever...Been busy.

Had a really strenuous week  and P.E. was especially exhausting [Sore here and there...haiz :( ] 

My usual TGIF will never be the same again[Argh...] 

Super long day : Econs lecture,chem[Bloody hell the tcer damm knn [ kena no nuts ] sia SHE came up with this brilliant formula 2n=? know wad it means?Let me tell you,it means the minutes that the last person settled down (n) multiplied by 2 = to how long you have to stay wth...],break,math lecture,econs tutorial[Got test le!!!(Die la like so tough le...and the tcer say it's the easiest of test ever...haiz)] [The tcer damn funny la,she got this funny accent."Let me remind all of you again that you all are not supposed to be late for my aircon(econs) class.....if not ltr i cnt save you when dm(discipline master)see you *gibberish..... ramble ramble....blah blah blah ] , 

lunch,practical[super long experiment...omg still have to fill in the worksheet...haiz it's so difficult can,i stayed back and did it le(so hardworking hor haha lucky i got some good frens to accompany me and help me explain things,they're smarter than me see thanks XQ and YQ lolz that's you 2's nickname from me)] end late,stayed back,haiz....

Went to Causeway with XQ&YQ like see them do things for their frens hor wa i feel not because i'm haven't been a good friend[maybe i haven who know?i apologize] but coz i help them do a bit of the gift they're giving their fren then help until like so ugly can ahha XPP

Seriously went back vr late,i think i can slim down alr coz i can kinda skip dinner nowadays...

Stop cracking the wall don't try to break through
there is a reason that the wall was there in the 1st place

Am i really that good?
I think i'm content with just that ^^
say,once a day?

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