Monday, March 9, 2009

^^Best CEL [Chem Evening Lecture!]

Funny thing today is that I keep hearing this one question from different different people; different class, different combi, different Cca, Same Class, Same Cca, etc etc...

Question is : "Hey Basthian, have you done your chem practical exercise?[we got this book that we need to refer from to do experiments, then there's exercises we have to finish in there]"

Then some will ask me : "Hey can borrow?"

The question might sounds normal to some of you, but try hearing it repeatedly for like 10-15 times in a day!
hehe kinda freaks me out a little

Oh and btw for today's evening lecture...I kinda totally enjoyed it.
During the lecture Mrs. Karen Yap, My favourite? Chem lecturer gave us a scolding, saying that we're the batch with the worse kind of attitude XP

After which I thought everything went quite smoothly, I was listening the whole time and were trying to understand what was she teaching about, amazingly I understood [Double Indicators reaction]. But she pulls out another surprise from right under her scarf [Sleeve is not involved here since she wears sleeveless, and she always wears scarfs when she's lecturing] Just when she's finishing her last part of the last question before we were going to be almost dismissed....
She asked me a question! 

"Ahh... that boy who on the 1st lecture wears red jacket one, now the only one on that row wearing the school's blue T-shirt[Pe attire], and running for student council, give me the answer...what's the number?"

I was like "Erm...[got the innocent, trying to hide my panic mode look] (I said the number of mole)"

"No not the number of mole, okay what reactants is left?"

"HCO3- Ions?"

"Yes! So what's the number?"

"[Pause...what number?... ... ...oohh (took out calculator and start calculating) It's 0.00600^^(grins)]

"Yes[She wrote 0.0600]"

"[Waves hand]"

"[Got ignored badly]"

"[Waves real hard again]"


"Erm it's supposed to be 0.00600^^(grins again)"

"Oh yes, You redeemed yourself..."

"[Cold pause, jostling and little buzz from the audience...] WTH!![okay I never say until she can hear obviously^^(another grins, evil grins)]"

Disclaimer : Juz so you know after her scolding session, I can hear the people on my front, back, left, right cursing...oh I was scolding "Cheee byeee" all along in between her teachings ^^(another evil grins)

Went out with YQ,XQ&Suffyian haha lots of cold jokes, fun fun and awkwardness hehe [Shh...this is only between you and me]

Best day for weeks!

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