Monday, March 2, 2009

>>> Take some time to read this B4 you tag seriously <<<

Alright, I have been getting a few feedbacks from the J2s thank you for that,and keep it coming.

However I would wish to clarify certain points that I think most of you misunderstand from your perspective. I was once just a non-councillor just like most of you, and yes I went through the same kind of thoughts like what some of you are saying. Yet, at some point of time I was selected to be a Student Council. Only then I realized  how does it feels to be in their shoes.

1st of all, most of you have been complaining that the 4th Student Council have not done anything for you guys, like what they've all promised. Personally I don't really think it's fair. I'm sure you all are aware of the amount of work all of you have to complete, Cca aside. Also just to let you know in someways or another, being one of the council, we didn't really have it easy, in fact we have to work harder than any of you, just to be on par; balance work and play. We are still humans too remember?Not robots nor slaves.

2nd, I would like to emphasize that we the Student Council are not slaves instead we are the connecting bridge between the teachers and college and the student body itself. We are supposed to operate like the voice of the student body, we take your suggestions on how to improve the college, review and revise the proposal, select those that are feasible and then bring it up to the higher ups.  The team of councils only consist of roughly 40 people, there's only so much we can do. However if all of you help out, the whole 1000 over people, in just a little part, one way or another then we could all really see a significant change in the College. 

3rd, I would like to quote a phrase from Mr. John F Kennedy, American president : "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." I'm sure the same kind of concept applies here. Again, you think we should sit and wait until that happens or we should do everything we could to speed it up? You people often talk about change but rather sit and wait instead of taking action. Complain and grumbles once you see nothing significant has taken place. 

For some of you who are willing to make a change, if you are afraid that your proposal will not be accepted if you directly submit directly to the higher ups, then fret not, that's where we come in, as I mentioned earlier, we'll review and revise the proposal, select those that are feasible and then bring it up to the higher ups for them to consider whether they can imply the proposed ideas. Although I must say this in advanced that even after going through the whole process, some ideas might get rejected/not implied for various reasons, but there are other proposals that might be implied.

Lastly, let me just ask all of you something, when you 1st step into the college, did you went through, orientation? Throughout the years in the college, did you go for some camps? Participate in some events?[ Teacher's day, Sports day? ] Do you all want to have a Graduation Night/Prom? Did you realize that these events are actually planned, organized and executed/run by the Student Council and of course with the help of the teachers, in not just days but we sacrificed a lot of our time for weeks. Let's not forget the Principal and Vice-Principals, for they could just cancel the events with just a 'snap' if they think it's not worth it to give you the privilege of going for such events.

I hope I have successfully put across the rationale of why the Student Council can only do so much. Also I hoped to have inspired some of you to have a paradigm shift from "Sit and wait for things to happen" to " Get up and do everything you can to make the changes that YOU wanted"

*I may have said somethings that might not be correct and might have offended some people, therefore I would like to apologize in advance should that happen

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